The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, Pledge to the European Commission
PROMIS@Service has entered in alliance with, and in solidarity to the “Millennia2025 Solidarity-Women” action developed by the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation (PUF), sharing the WePROMIS® eMentoring platform to support and advise women in precarious situations among others, through eSkills. The Millennia2015 community counts 1.505 contributors in its Think Tank, 3.827 members and 10.299 contacts in 133 countries or regions in February 2014. Key values of the Millennia2015 “An action plan for women’s empowerment” (, organized by The Destree Institute with the patronage of UNESCO and the United Nations, are the equality between women and men, the respect of rights and diversity, the development of the human capital and the digital solidarity in order to empower women. The Millennia2015 process, built with its international partners, is structured through three phases: “Information transfer”, “Knowledge process” and “Intelligence platforms”. The Millennia2015 foresight research process acts in a view of digital solidarity with those who do not access communications tools and who nevertheless are drivers of changes. With WePROMIS® as eSkill enabler instrument, the alliance between PROMIS@Service and the Millennia2025 Women and Innovation Foundation objective is to achieve these concrete actions and action plans in favor of women and girls in the concerned countries, for their empowerment and for gender equality.