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META-NET celebrates the Opening...

META-NET celebrates the Opening of the W3C German-Austrian Office at DFKI

February 3, 2011

On February 10th, META-NET will be among those celebrating the launch of the W3C German-Austrian Office at its new location: DFKI Berlin. The W3C German-Austrian Office launch event will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how European research and various industries can contribute and, at the same time, benefit from the emerging W3C standard computing platform that will make Web apps even more powerful than they are now, available everywhere, for every user, in every culture.

Like META-NET, W3C is a place for community building with regard to multilingualism. Through its Internationalization Activity, W3C has gained long-term achievements for making the World Wide Web truly world wide. Hence, the W3C German-Austrian Office being hosted by DFKI, the coordinating partner of the META-NET Network of Excellence, will strengthen the relations between the Language Technology and the Web technology communities and will lead to new alliances for the multilingual information society on and via the Web.

Please register online if you are interested in attending the event.

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