2022 | “World’s Best Performing CEOs to Watch in 2022” Digital Link to magazine: https://magazines.worldsleaders.com/worlds-best-performing-ceos-to-watch-in-2022-feb/#page=20Web link for the article: https://worldsleaders.com/caterina-berbenni-rehm-a-profound-strategist-and-innovation-manager-with-expertise-in-various-industries/ |
2020 | “Hard Work is a VIRTUE – Smart Work is a TALENT” – Our CEO toplisted among “The 10 Revolutionary Female CEOs to Watch out in 2020” by “CIO VEIW Magazine”Digital Link to magazine: https://cioviews.com/digital/the-10-revolutionary-female-ceos-to-watch-out-in-2020/#page=29Web link for the article: https://cioviews.com/caterina-berbenni-rehm-hard-work-is-a-virtue-smart-work-is-a-talent/ |
2018 | PROMIS@Service toplisted among “The 10 Best Performing SaaS Solution Providers 2018” by the international magazine “InsightSuccess”.http://insightssuccessdigital.com/2018/The-10-Best-Performing-SaaS-Solution-Providers-2018-December2018/#page=40 |
2016 | PROMIS® at the European Parliament during the 8th European Innovation Summit, Brussels. https://www.promis.eu/uk/2016/11/14/8th-european-innovation-summit/ |
2014 | DG RESEARCH – PROMIS ® as IT enabler for Systemic Eco Innovation: https://www.promis.eu/it/files/2015/12/EC_Expert-Workshop-Systemic-Eco-Inno_June-2014_EC_Report.pdf |
2014 | PROMIS® – recognized as enabler platform to realise Systemic Eco-Innovation by the European Commission, DG for RESEARCH & INNOVATION Directorate I – Climate Action and Resource fficiency, I.2 – Eco-innovation. Expert workshop ‘A Systemic approach to Eco-innovation’. Conclusions of the Workshop on 2-3 June 2014. Pag. 22-23: Reference to PROMIS® https://www.promis.eu/it/files/2015/12/EC_Expert-Workshop-Systemic-Eco-Inno_June-2014_EC_Report.pdf |
2013 | PROMIS® – selected as European Platform to accelerate the adoption, deployment and use of Cloud Computing by small businesses (SMEs). CloudingSMEs provides support services, in order to facilitate them in adopting and fully leveraging the benefits of cloud computing services. |
2010 | PROMIS – Anerkannt als einer der 50 besten Applikationen Europas im eBusiness durch die Europäische Kommission DG Enterprise (eSBN – eBusiness Service Network). Die Referenz einer unseren Kunden ist in 21 Sprachen übersetzt und wird in ganz Europa verbreitet. Referenz |
2009 | Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Steinbeis Stiftung: http://download.steinbeis-europa.de/ecoinno2sme/2009-03_ecoinno2sme_gp_catalogue_v2.pdf |
2008 | European Entrepreneurial Regions Initiative (EER): http://www.cor.europa.eu/pages/EventTemplate.aspx?view=detail&id=15198fc0-b92e-43f2-8828-1afd89045541 |
2005 | PROMIS Policy Workshop – Die sozio ökonomische und politische Bedeutung von PROMIS wurde hervor gehoben während des Workshops „Information – Gesellschaft – Politik“, der in Verbindung mit der DG Information Gesellschaft und Medien, Information Gesellschaft –Politik“ Link- Initiative am 14. Juni 2005 in Brüssel durchgeführt wurde. Der Workshop wurde in Kooperation mit UEAPME – Union Europeénne des petites et moyennes Enterprises organisiert mit der Teilnahme von Vertretern von 6 Direktionen der Kommission und mehr als 70 Stakeholders durchgeführt. PROMIS POLICY WORKSHOP |