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European SMEs have to consider themselves as Innovation Drivers – Live Broadcast

marzo 3, 2011

On Thursday, 3rd March, during the CeBIT 2011, a 35 minutes Business Talk life broadcast on “European SMEs have to consider themselves as Innovation Drivers” took place at the CeBIT Studio Mittelstand, headed by Mr. Andreas Fischer. Participants were the European Investment Fund (link to EIF): Mr. Hubert Cottogni, Head of Regional Business Development and Mr. Nitan Pathak, Investment Manager in the Venture Capital team; Union Européenne des petites et moyennes Enterprises (Link to UEAPME): Mr. Andrea Benassi, Secretary General; and PROMIS@Service (link to), Luxemburg: Mrs. Caterina Berbenni-Rehm, Chief Executive Officer.

From left: Dieter Gruber, Andrea Benassi, Hubert Cottogni, Andreas Fischer, Nitan Pathak, Caterina Berbenni-Rehm.

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