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PROMIS® ha ricevuto riconosciemnti da parte di diverse istituzioni e gruppi a livello europeo come soluzione di buona prassi e storia di successo a servizio delle PMI:

2022 Badge-Worlds-Leaders-Magazine-2022World’s Best Performing CEOs to Watch in 2022
Digital Link to magazine: link for the article:
2020 CaterinaHard Work is a VIRTUE – Smart Work is a TALENT” – Our CEO toplisted among “The 10 Revolutionary Female CEOs to Watch out in 2020” by “CIO VEIW Magazine”Digital Link to magazine: link for the article:
2018 PROMIS@Service toplisted among The 10 Best Performing SaaS Solution Providers 2018by the international magazine InsightSuccess.
2016 PROMIS® at the European Parliament during the 8th European Innovation Summit, Brussels.
2014 DG RESEARCH – PROMIS ® as IT enabler for Systemic Eco Innovation:
2014 PROMIS® – recognized as enabler platform to realise Systemic Eco-Innovation by the European Commission, DG for RESEARCH & INNOVATION Directorate I – Climate Action and Resource fficiency, I.2 – Eco-innovation. Expert workshop ‘A Systemic approach to Eco-innovation’. Conclusions of the Workshop on 2-3 June 2014.
Pag. 22-23: Reference to PROMIS®
2013 PROMIS® – selected as European Platform to accelerate the adoption, deployment and use of Cloud Computing by small businesses (SMEs). CloudingSMEs provides support services, in order to facilitate them in adopting and fully leveraging the benefits of cloud computing services.

2010 PROMIS – ‘eBusiness Service Network’ della Comunità Europea, DG Enterprise and Industry ha scelto PROMIS fra le 50 migliori applicazioni di servizi eBusiness in Europa. La referenza di un nostro cliente é stata tradotta in 21 lingue e viene disseminato in Europa tramite gli Enterprise Europe Networks. Leggi la testimonianza
2009 Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Steinbeis Stiftung:
2008 European Entrepreneurial Regions Initiative (EER):
2005 PROMIS Policy Workshop. L’importanza socio-economica e politica di PROMIS è stata evidenziata durante il workshop organizzato nel contesto dell’iniziativa della Commissione Europea, DG Information Society & Media il 14 giugno 2005 a Bruxelles. L’evento fu organizzato in collaborazione con l’UEAPME – Union Europeénne des petites et moyennes Enterprises e con la participazione dei rappresentanti di 6 Direzioni della Comunità Europea e di più di 70 rappresentanti politici e di settore.