in AVIS, l’Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue di Milano, è oberata dall’obbligo di adempiere tutte le norme e regolamenti richiesti dall’Accreditamento Sanitario (norme nazionali ed europee), dalle Buone Pratiche del settore Farmaceutico, dalla Sicurezza Lavoro, dall’ISO 9000:2015 (Qualità), dalla privacy, protezione dati e sicurezza informatica (GDPR). Ha [...]
Managing the maintenance process within Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often entails high direct and indirect costs. Now they can benefit from a new software solution helping them to develop their maintenance processes. Especially during periods of economical and financial crisis, SMEs do not invest in improving and re-engineering their Maintenance Engineering Processes (MEP), thus leading to [...]
The complexity of business operations requires an organisation to stay on top of a dynamic business environment — a slight mishap can have effects on an organisation’s reputation, integrity, operations, and relationships. Miscalculating political and commercial trends in Europe can limit markets or hinder the organisation from seizing new opportunities at the right time. Community [...]
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CEN CWA 16275) has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of representatives of interested parties, the constitution of which is indicated in the foreword of this Workshop Agreement. The formal process followed by the Workshop in the development of this Workshop Agreement has been endorsed by the National Members of [...]
Certification to ISO 9001 and other quality standards can seem a daunting prospect to many SMEs, Stephen Singer and Petere Rayson report on two sources of support in the UK and Europe. You can download the article here
This article has been presented at the e2000 Conference in Madrid (18th to 20th October 2000) and was published in: Brian Stanford-Smith and Paul T. Kidd (Eds), E-business – Key Issues Applicatons Technologies, IOS Press, Amsterdam Berlin Oxford Tokyo Washington, DC, Printed in the Netherlands, 2000, pp. 960-965. Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises urgently need [...]
Grazie a un recente accordo con PROMIS@Service, Kubotek Europe estende il proprio pacchetto prodotti alla gestione integrata degli aspetti legati alla qualità, alla sicurezza, alla salute, all’ambiente. “PROMIS® – dichiara Luca Cariglia – è un prodotto pensato per supportare organizzazioni private e pubbliche nella gestione integrata di qualità-sicurezza-ambiente ed altri standards. La gestione di questi [...]
Industrialised countries are undergoing a process of transition from an ‘industrial’ to an ‘information’ society. One essential feature of the latter is, that everyone has access to information for political, economic, cultural and social development, so that there is a high level of information use among the general public. In the light of this, I [...]