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The Workshop aims at bringing various groups together who are concerned with the broad topic of “Language Technology for a multilingual Europe”. This encompasses on the one hand representatives from research and development in the field of …

Together with Aljoscha Burchardt and Felix Sasaki we wrote an article on META-NET that was published in LIBREAS – Library Ideas, Das mehrsprachige Europa: eine Herausforderung für die Sprachtechnologie. The article is written in German but of cours…

An important intermediate result of the META-VISION process is the document The Future European Multilingual Information Society (PDF). This document is joint work by roughly 100 representatives of the European and also international Langua…

On February 10th, META-NET will be among those celebrating the launch of the W3C German-Austrian Office at its new location: DFKI Berlin. The W3C German-Austrian Office launch event will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how European research …

Our colleagues from the MOLTO project organise a Summer School on GF, Grammatical Framework. Please find the official announcement and call for participation below.
GF Summer School
Frontiers of Multilingual Technologies
Barcelona, 15-26 August…