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For Consultants

“Do you have at your fingertips all the tools and resources you need to achieve your full potential as a consultant?”


PROMIS® provides a comprehensive and structured approach to assessing requirements of small organisations, analysing their compliance and accessing a wealth of supporting information, training, e-learning and consultancy services – all under one roof.

PROMIS® allows you to collaborate remotely online with your clients, to view and jointly develop their management systems and to monitor key processes and performance. Enhanced transparency leads to greater management confidence.
Client interactions become more focused, delivering greater efficiency and effectiveness across your client portfolio and allowing you to broaden the range of your professional services.
PROMIS® enables you to:

  • Extend your competence by accessing new knowledge and training resources in the fields of environment, health & safety, quality and integrated management via ready-made sectoral, branch, and theme solutions and training courses . Such knowledge is structured by known and respected experts, as well as institutions and associations
  • Easily check online your clients’ regulatory compliance collaborating with them via the ‘myCommunication’ module
  • Deliver maximum client value and a big economy of scale for your professional activities
  • Showcase your specialisms to a wider market and target your services to appropriate SME sectors (either with your own solution for your customers and/or via the eShop)
  • Become a member of a respected Europe-wide community of qualified professionals.

Your Benefits

The comprehensive services of PROMIS® and its online consultancy capability open up a new way of successfully offering your professional online services to the small and medium sized organizations (SME) marketplace. As a consultant you are best placed to understand the needs of your client. Your aim is to deliver direct benefits to the client. With PROMIS® you can structure and individually fine-tune your client’s company processes. Information, materials and documents that you have prepared or developed can be strategically integrated into the organization – providing a fast solution to meeting the client’s requirements, and helping them quickly and easily to incorporate the results into the daily work routine.

Improve your clients’ “bottom line” through

  • Improved business processes
  • Reduction in downtime
  • Clear information and competence – with the resulting savings in personnel time
  • Improved decision-making
  • A better credit rating or insurance terms could result from demonstrable transparency and confidence in the management systems.

Even if your clients are only making the first few steps with PROMIS® – for instance, just in one department, or only in relation to Health & Safety – the results and benefits are immediately evident.
And in maintaining the system, as a consultant, you can immediately identify and address improvement opportunities and further business needs, and recommend practical measures to your client.
Working through PROMIS®, the facility for a client to allow shared access to their management information and systems means that you can offer faster, more efficient and more cost-effective consultancy support, reducing the time and overhead needed for face-to-face meetings and site visits.