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Interview with Caterina Berbenni-Rehm, president of the EER label award jury

February 21, 2012

Leaving freedom in the structuring of knowledge brings filters

Caterina Berbenni-Rehm is the CEO of Promis@Service, a Luxembourg based company specialised in knowledge management tools for organisations. Eight years ago, when she started her company, she offered top down pre-structured content and information, as people where use to it. since then, things have changed. We are in a paradigm shift, states Caterina Berbenni-Rehm. Whe are moving from a “I know what is good for you” world to an approach giving more respect to individual judgement, network and knowledge. It a huge shift, that policy maker in Europe should consider. The European Commission has started, thinks Caterina Berbenni-Rehm.

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